The Little Known 1st Remembrance day of 1915

1st service of Remembrance and Payer 1915

The 1st Anniversary of the Start of WW1 took place at intercession day at St Pauls in 1915.

Only the British could hold a gathering on the one year anniversary of the start of War, while the War was still on. It was not so much a remembrance of those lost in battle, from one year of fighting, it was a prayer for the country for hope, faith and love. Would the world once again revive and survive these terrible times. Little did the crowds know on this August day, that their call for peace would not come for another 3 years, with many more millions yet to die.

On Wednesday 4th August 1915, King George V and Queen Alexandra attended the special Intercessory service at St Pauls Cathedral, London. led by the Archbishop of Canterbury. More than 3,000 territorial troops filled the areas around St Pauls, along with the public filling the roads down Ludgate hill.

Soldiers sang the Hymn “O God, Our Help In Ages Past”, “We summon then the soul of England”

As well as the Sovereign, the government, dignitaries from other countries, wounded soldiers and even veterans from the Crimea War formed part of the invited guests.

It is not to forget, the Crimea war ended in 1856, linking a veteran of that war, to be standing in front of St Pauls Cathedral in 1915. In 2012 the last living world war one veteran died. It Takes the mind some readjustment to see how connected we all are with our past.

The Little Known 1st Remembrance day of 1915 1
The Great War H.H Wilson 1915

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